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"Don't let her young age fool you.
Ava has a lot to say about social media & pop culture."
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Last Fling Vocal Competition: 50 Years Ago and Today


Positively Naperville 

Ava Morse named as one of the "5 Fascinating Kids of 2014" in the Dec 2014 issue of Glancer Magazine - Link to Article 

Press Mentions

"...Ava Morse (a hoot as a fervent mini-feminist)..."

-Heidi Weiss, Chicago Sun Times.


"Ava is everything a child actor should be." Alexandra Garfinkle Assistant to the Director Henry Wishcamper, Goodman Theatre A Christmas Carol.


"Ava Morse is particularly inspired with hauntingly perfect vocals as Little Cosette,"  Phil Potempas, GO!, Review of Les Misérables 2014.


"A vibrant and radiant Ava Morse captivates. Watching the beautiful Morse eavesdropping, adds heart wrenching depth..." Kathy Walsh, Chicago Theatre Beat, Review of The Goddess 2013.


"And a shining light of the night comes from seven year old, Ava Morse, playing Molly. Her stage presence, comfort and natural acting style rings of someone much more experienced. What an amazing little package of talent she is." Margaret Eva, Chicago Critic , Review of Annie 2012.


"...Scene stealing blonde named Ava Morse...lovable and spectacularly mischievous." Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune, Review of Annie 2012.

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